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Weald Rise Primary

Year 6

Year 6 have been very busy since September. We harvested the vegetables planted by the children in Year 6 last year and made leek and potato soup. The general opinion was that it was tasty! We enjoyed two PSHE assemblies in the first half term, learning about Cyber Security and the dangers of Carbon Monoxide, both topics which the children discussed at home with their families too. Science is very practical at Weald Rise and our young scientists have studied Physics, investigating light and electricity. During maths lessons, our inspiring mathematicians enjoy modelling their work and ideas and doing some teaching take overs!

Wider curriculum events have been a drama and music workshop with the Mozartists, Weald Rise Cultural Day, Odd Socks Day celebrating difference, Times Tables Rock Stars challenge and the Spelling Bee, both hotly contested as ever. We kicked off the annual class assemblies with a drama based on our English book, Hansel and Gretel by Neil Gaiman.

Trips out of school to the cinema in Watford and the pantomime at Harrow Arts Centre were enjoyed by everyone. Our most recent trip involved fieldwork for Geography, studying the impact of population on our local area.

Year 6


Curriculum Overviews